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Our Trust

At Concordia Multi Academy Trust we use our significant experience to support our academies in delivering the highest levels of teaching and learning to our pupils. The Trust provides guidance and oversight on teaching and learning outcomes whilst centralising activities that can prove a distraction from this.

Our open approach to collaboration means we can facilitate best practice and vital expertise can be shared across the Trust community. For example, English Hub, mastery specialists for maths, SENCO support, specialist leaders in early years, literacy, subject and year group networking are to name but a few areas which have significantly benefitted from this approach.

We are always striving to further improve and so we constantly challenge ourselves and seek robust, external validation of our key deliver points in all measurable areas. This includes teaching and learning all the way through to areas such as Health and Safety, data protection and of course financial prudence.

We constantly focus and assess the well-being of all of our staff as we fully recognise this critical cornerstone of being able to deliver our mission in a sustainable environment that is most productive for all.


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Further information regarding our Trust is available on Get Information About Schools by clicking here.