
The Governance of a Trust is set out by the Department for Education and our approach is aligned to the Structure and Roles guidance available at:

Within our Trust certain activities have been delegated by the Trust Board to groups that support the operation of the Trust.  This is detailed in the Scheme of Delegation which is available here.  Even though some activities are delegated, the accountability within a Trust remains the responsibility of the Trust Board.

Our Trust governance is operated through collaboration between five core groups which are Members, Trustees, Central Team, Headteachers and Local Academy Boards.

Our Governance Professional can be contacted via email - [email protected]

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Executive Team

The executive team consists of the Headteachers, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Chief Operating Officer (COO) and Chief Finance Officer (CFO). 

The executive team work closely to make operational decisions about the Trust.  Meetings are held two or three times per term and the executive team also meet at other times throughout the year to plan and strategise.  Staff workload and wellbeing are always on the agenda and we are proud to work so collaboratively together.


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